Reality Check: Does Yoga Release Toxins from the Body?
The Best Way to Clean your Grimy, Bacteria-Laden Cell Phone
Cat Parasite Linked to Mental Illness, Schizophrenia
New App Wants to Deliver Birth Control to your Door
Indian Point Nuclear Plant is Troubled, but Hard to do without
Health Hazards Lurking in the Sandbox
Could this Device Cure your Child’s Night Terrors?
How Parents Can Help Kids Pay Attention
How Einstein’s Struggles Might Help Kids with Science
How Neanderthal DNA may Affect our Health
Chemicals in BPA-free Plastic may not be any Safer
New Moms get Conflicting Advice on Infant Care, Survey Finds
Back-to-School Health Tips for Parents and Kids
11 Things you Should Know about Caffeine
How to Boost a Baby’s “Good Bacteria” after C-section Birth
Algae Bloom Toxin Linked to Alzheimer's, Other Diseases
CRISIS POINT: The pandemic made employers care about mental health. Will it last?
How Chicago medical schools address equity
What's Behind the Cat Cafe Craze?
The Quest to Save Florida’s Orchids from Extinction
What I Learned from taking an Aquacycling Class
Exploring the Fly Room and the Foundation of Modern Genetics
5 Tips for Holiday Eating with Ulcerative Colitis
9 Best and Worst Milks for your Cholesterol Levels
Finding a Balance Between Living with Atrial Fibrillation and your Career
What it’s Like to Hear ‘You Have Hepatitis C’
Bargain Hunting for Healthcare: Dos and Donts
Expanded Highway Could Threaten Eagle Habitat
Winter Woes
Wild Flamingos Return to Florida
Can we Overcome our Disgust Long Enough to Eat Bugs?
Five Ways to Stop Asian Carp
How Surgeons are Learning from the Hands Rodin Sculpted
Charting the Curiosities at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Nipping Bedsores in the Bud
Lithium’s Power Unleashed
Vantablack is the New Black